Last big bike meet of the year anyone?

Keep it on H-date fags!

william started it i swear!

on topic, do you want to stop for food, cuz we could plan our meet around somewhere with good food

Yes. I would plan on this being a pretty full day. I don’t want a stupid little 1 hour ride.

yeah me neither. i’m pretty much food oriented…so wherever we go is good with me.

what are you riding?

are cruisers allowed?

you should come adam, it’s probably going to be a lot of sportbikes but it’ll be fun just hanging out and stuff



hmmm…i might bring out the bike for this…only have a 100 miles on it this this year…let me know when you have a solid date and time

lol.breathe… it will be ok.

no can do!

:tup: to girls riding bikes and getting more involved. Much better than the bitches bummin rides.

thanks. and i agree, make them get thier own!!


ok I’m done shitting up paulo’s thread. Toodles!

<3 paulo

Geoff for prez 2010

Scott don’t sell the M5

Willy DQ Monday



Im in for meeting internet people. I keed I keed.

I’d come out more if you would text me! lol I should be in

Voted - “I’m a homo and don’t own one.”

Ill show up if I can ride on the back of Paulos or willys bike. I like closeness.

letchworth - its a nice drive

Change the b into a d and i am THERE.