Last Bubble Tea Meet vid

Choda didn’t you come to my house when I did that or was it just Jack?

I actually had girls there though

How long ago was this?

my house was 2003-04

Life has gotten better for me, no question, but to replicate what the meets/scene once were/was would be impossible. Half the people have moved on to other places/phases of their lives, half the meet spots have been taken over by new ventures, half the cars are gone, etc.

I appreciate the scene for what it is, and that’s an ever-changing, ever-evolving community where it’s going to go through many phases with diff. people/places/attitudes…that’s fine…

I just happen to look back on those older days as some of the better ones for me personally, as that’s where I met some great people, friends that I’ll have for life…these days I just don’t get that feeling…

I know I’m not the only one that feels that way either…

“Ahh the good ol’ days”.
That’s the first sign that we’re getting old.


i was there, when i wanna hang out with car guys to talk cars, leave the bitches home


Joe I appreciate your comments and have much respect for you. You still have plenty of good times ahead of you. Wait til we get your car finished. :tup: