Late night Crew.

LOL i sent them to singh, not sure if she’d appreciate me posting them on here…

wasnt expecting good sir, was all in good fun

10-4 over and out to drink moar brews

drink one for me… where is evryone tonight?

k jugs… come make me food?

I like food. Polished off 4 slices a little while ago.

lucky :frowning:

Fukin baked bro, fukin baked. :lol Still hungry.

i was thinking bout goin to dunkin donuts to get something to eat but my bed is way to warm to get out of… now thinkin of it i gotta take another shit, FML

Yea, im not getting off my couch. Robot Chicken is on.

fuck… i really need to run my cable line back in here

▲ ▲ TriForce. 5am, still here.


yuppppppp so am i… doing the same as when 4 rolled around, looking on the interwebz at porn and shift, goes together like peanut butter and jelly

Haha. Did you know that MTV still shows videos? at 5am tho.

DL’d Inglorious Bastards, awesome.

yea from like 5-10 or someshit like that, i wanna see that

I was burning earlier and all sleepy, now I am wide fuking awake. WTF

yea ive been in and out all night but im sick as fack and cant sleep

Yea that sucks. I cant get sick, or I get really sick because the pills Im on, basically I have no immune system.
Do you like Biohazard? Anyways their my favorite band, I want this:


going ot bed now. DAMN FARMVILLE