Haha, I do Fishville.
god damn i havent listened to them since middle school
fishville,fishworld,farmville,mafia wars,cafe world,rollercoaster something,island paradise… yea i have no life
I dont like Fishworld as much. I did farmtown for a while, but just kinda stopped.
yea im getting bored with all the games really
I play Counterstrike alot. Not a FB game, but its addictive. I havent had it a month, and I have logged 80hrs. I have MW2 also, but I would rather play CS. I bought Heavenly Sword too, havent ven touched it yet.
i dont play any damn video games… my little brother is getting 360 for xmas and i got myself FM3 so i can hijack his shit when hes sleeping lol
Haha, nice. I am big into videogames. I have almost every Nintendo system, and I have all the current gen systems. Dreamcast, PSP, 4x DS, PS1, PS2, Genesis, I have alot of shit. I play the PS3 and SNES the most tho, lol. Im a little obsessed…
holy jeebus… thats nuts
haha… i’ll be right on that… be there in 20 hrs LMAO
Still awake. Going on 25 hours. FML
damn man get some sleep!!!
Dont feel like it. Tried to earlier, like 7am, just not happening. I am sure I will pass out at some point today. Probably in the car.
haha damn man your crazy… I sleep for like 4 hrs a night i couldnt imagine over 25 hrs though
I only got about that last night… cuz the dog started barking when Scott came home, now he’s up and will NEVER let me go back to sleep.
I usually sleep like 6hrs a night, but I dont goto bed till atleast 4am… My internal clock is all kinds of messed up.
Do you work nights??
Years ago, yes. I am on disability now, so I have alot of free time.
^5… me too! I’m supposed to be going back to school, but I’m procrastinating. I really shouldn’t though, it’s gonna take me long enough to get my Master’s as it is, I’m gonna be at least 30 before I get it. lol