Late night Crew.

Doing the same thing dood.

Word… that sounds interesting though

Yup, Ive been doing it ALOT lately now that the semester is almost over, freakin out about alot of shit lol. Best thing to do is get yourself wicked tired for a few days with little sleep then just pass out at like 11-12 and wake up early the next morning. If you keep it going for a few days it typically works…

The last few nights I have been awake till around 4-5am without realizing it. I also have trouble falling asleep before 2am. Its weird that its 2am for so many people, my dad used to be the same way.

Oh it definately is, Id recommend it to anyone that wants to learn more about the subject, alot of shit that people dont know about… Just be warned, the class isnt an easy one and there is a large workload.

ive always been a late night person, plus im the king of procrastination.

well…heres to another late night! lol

Holy shit its almost 12 already?? :facepalm

+1, gotta finish/polish up 2 papers. ill probably go to bed now and wake up at like 5 and do them. who knows.

See Ive tried that, but just cant do it. If I have to Ill stay up till 5am doing shit. I will NOT wake up in the am to do school work usually :lmao Snooze button ftl!

i used to do that in HS, every other week probably i’d have a day where i got no sleep doing work junior/senior year, but so far just going to bed when im BEAT then waking up with a fresh mind has worked out well.

i got 9 hrs of sleep last night and im already exhausted, i hope im not getting sick again :facepalm . i havent felt “like myself” in over 5 weeks :Idiots

Im gonna take tumor for $500 bob

I hope its something serious


me too

idk how i get about 5 or 6 hrs of sleep and work 12 hrs a day every day

idk how i do it…the human body is an amazing thing…

gl kramer.

You’ll drop dead in a few years, dont worry! :thumbup

yeah 2 yrs of doing that has probably just finally caught up to me.

haha…with my luck…probably… :banghead