You serious? That shits an hour long, my attention span is like 2 min, im gonna go slay some hood rat
I ninja edited my other post.
ok fuck u guys im going
in this
wow havent seen this thread in a long time lol
its past my bedtime
mine too
They took our jobs!
WTF daylight savings/being out til 5am today and sleeping til 4pm totally fucked my night up
I thought I over slept. Then I realized it was only noon. :lol
well i was drunk so its ok…i usually wont sleep past 9am. today sucked
Whats up?
Today did suck, I usually don’t sleep past 6am myself, slept till ~11am today.
Today was awesome considering my daughter let me sleep that long also!
Lock 1
This was deemed not funny. Remember.
just ate McD’s now eating oreos yum
you are a FAT fuck