Late night Crew.

Six more classes to go.

stop complaining im gettin you hooked up

^ GTFO out of this thread 'till at least 2 AM. :tongue

Since when is 11 late?

hey can you grab me a beer from the top shelf of the fridge?

:lol jk man

Wat. And no, Im seated comfortably.


Pepperoni and rice krispy treats cereal


233 is still early.

On lunch from 3 to 3:30. Watching family guy FTW!

Frank, are you the transporter

yea blasted my horn passing by around 130 lol

been up since 7 am yesterday and still got till at least 2 to take anyy kinda nap yeehaww

I am the motha fuckin TRANSPORTER! And steve your truck is parked by my work.

at the army base? the black truck i take it?

Yea at the base. I was joy riding a bus around and had to do a double take to make sure :lol

yea he’s in the reserves and is a mechanic so he was prolly fuxin with something

3AM and still going strong, not that I want to be.

dammit, can’t sleep

had some cops taz a guy in my hotel tonight at about 1 am…awesome