Late night Crew.

lol juss gettin home and bout to pass the eff out

i was there lol…i slept until 2

lol same watching the rain now,waiting for the tornado to come on down :ahh

its not raining here wtffff

pouring here,cant even see accross the street

yep here it is

Awesome, I love not being able to sleep.

Word. I drank an energy drink awhile ago, didnt really think I would still be up.

Honestly, my body is drained but my mind is racing… It’s frustrating.

I know that feeling.

I’m gonna be a piece of shit all day tomorrow because of it too… I really can’t get the image of the other transportation supervisors face as I rolled into the trauma room… I’ll never forget it.

I willjust be no fun for my kid tomorrow I guess, lol. Whats up? Everything alright?

Just earlier today after I got the call that Wayne was killed, I went to the hospital where family and friends were gathered… And when I went into the trauma room, the first person I saw was the other transportation supervisor and the look on his face nearly crushed me. Just unreal.

Oh right, your buddy on the bike… Yeah sorry man.

I know it happened, I just consciously don’t want to accept it.

I hear you. I had a friend a number of years ago, die in a 4 wheeler accident, where he was hit by a car. I still see his Dad or Sis, and I want to ask how he is doing, and then remeber. It just sucks.


Past week have been nothing but going to bed at 4-5am to wake up at ~10am. fml.

eff this 430 and being awake shit

Pussys. I get out of work at 7:30am.