you shut youre whoreish mouth!!!:hug
can i take a sledgehammer to that teg on the trailer before u take it to predals?
Happy 4th JERKS
Just bought HP Tuners.
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
lil drunk after pickin up some CP. to bring home… bought to pass the EFFFFFFFF ouut
You said you were going to bed twenty five minutes ago. :lol
shush!!! lol i dont wanna wake the g.f up :ninja
I am still awake. This blows.
do not remember posting this:ponder
I ended up being up 'till around 3 last night, with two fans blowing on me and a paper thin blanket.
Damn heat :wow
FML work 3am-11am today…
Do you guys ever find yourself watching the Knife Show and consider buying a whole bunch of knives, for no apparent reason? lol
So I am awake and buzzed.
time to revive this thread… lets get it poppin
fml…yup… just fuck it
Sleep is for the weak.
I am shamelessly watching the original Fast and Furious. Enjoying every second of it. For every one liner I am pouring moar scotch.
mike what channel?!?!?!!? im stuck watchin pimp my ride