Late night Crew.

Still playing Gt

about to jerk it

watched it for my 3rd time last night too… always left with questions

There is no way every shift loser is actually out on a Saturday night.

I want to punch my fucking girlfriend.

Can I? Always liked “donkey punch” and older women.

I hate people…and I work in the service industry why?

Rawr! Im on disablity and hate people. It dont matter. Dont care, wont die.

They play at Bogie’s tommorrow night…err tonight.

Im currently listening to:

Then I can sample your contribution. lol

disability…you have the placard?

They sound way better live:

So I can park whereever the fuck I want in my loud hatch? Yeah lol


Why you disabled?

work is slow, maybe i’ll do some homework

He fought PJB

Have trouble supporting my weight on my legs, from an MRI dye. I can still drive stick and stand to piss if I work at it, so im fucking tuff lol. Drinkin good right now too

Paul is my home boy bro

Its gonna rain!..maybe rain sideways…but no snow

I hate winter. Makes me want to kill ten people and bury them in a ditch.

holy fuck balls