Late night Crew.

I like transformers. I have a lot…

All the time man, just random things, that wow that makes sense now kinda deal


shit, its gonna be a sheet of ice when going home at 7

I wanna go to the mtns dammit.

Stretch … as in…

It wasnt listed, I inquired about one thing and discussions led to this purchase…I’ll easily profit $500

Oh its in box? Def resale that. Gotta get that. I hae a legit 1984 Takara Soundwave with Buzzsaw and Frenzy cassettes. If you know what that means, you know what its worth.

Got in to work at 12…haven’t done a thing all night thus far.

Cumulative Chem final at 1030am. Fuck thermodynamics.

anybody studyin?


I’ve been stuck on the same page and a half that I’ve had left since midnight. Fuck finals.

I hate how that works out. ^

You have to get off Shift and commit.

I’ve been reading Isaak Asimov scifi stories, going to sleep at 3 now.

Shift, facebook, and clubroadster are kicking my ass.

Chatting with hot chicks. I’m sure ya’ll are jealous

Last final tomorrow. Stats. Should be a breeze…

Finally finished that shit. What a garbage assignment. I’m switching majors and this final is for the one class that doesn’t apply to my new major, so it double fucking sucks for me. I have to keep my GPA up to get into a different school though, so I had to do it.

been out with the yeti celebratin him getting older, can’t wait to do more of it tonight.


This shit has been dead lately.

Lolz, 4:47am and still kicking here doing CAD.