Late night Crew.

Yeah its time now. I got shit to do today lol

Another night…

Yeh fuck winter

Yeh shit is weakk


ready for spring… I miss driving my car damnit!

Holy crap, plenty of people still up



You guys are nuts

But it’s not fair, you’re not awake late, you’re up early :lol

nope…i work overnights…my body is kinda used to being up at all hours of the night…

Still pretty early but it feels like it’s about 4am. Was up at 5:15, gah.

checkin in


No U

I really need to goto bed. Have to get up at five with the lady

I still don’t get No U. :’(

No U

Its like herp derp you. Kinda sorta.


I need to go the fuck to bed but dont feel like it.

yah Im in bed right now but I just cant seem to derp