Latest Mod addition...

So I was up till 4AM thursday taking advantage of the beautiful warm weather we had. Brought the car to my pop’s garage and utilised his air tools to add my latest mod. A 4 piston Wilwood Big Brake kit with 2pc fast brakes rotors. I previously fitted one side to see if my 18" rims wouls clear these immense calipers, and much to my disappointment, no where close. So you can imagine how large the calipers really are. I, therefore, ordered a pair of 15mm hubcentric spacers from Ichiba and waited patiently…and yesterday, with perfect timing, the spacers arrived. I quickly shot down to mississauga where the work then began. Please excuse the dirty rims and car. Here are some before shots…
Original rotors with original calipers…sitting under my 18" Phantoms.
Another before shot…
Original rotors and calipers sans rim(notice the purple suspension peeking out? D2 baby!)

I then proceeded to remove all the nessecary components. But I left the original caliper attached so the lines wouldn’t fill with air while I was working. Removed the rotors and removed the studs. Had to modify and reshape the back rotor splash shield considering I was going from a 10" rotor to a 12.5" rotor. Fitted the mounting bracket and new caliper…and it didn’t fit! The caliper was hitting the neck of the suspension…so out came the grinder. Modified the suspension so everything fit snug and secure…installed the new studs. Mounted the rotors and calipers. Then the spacers… 15mm spacers pushed the wheel right to the edge. Once the car was dropped back on the ground. the rim sat perfectly flush with the fender. I think I will still do the wide body mod.
My pops inquired about rubbing, but I have 7kg and 9 kg springs…so I wasn’t really worried.:smiley:

And the final product! Please note the before and after shots were of different sides. The before shots were of the drivers side, and the after shots were the passengers. Incase you were wondering why the calipers were in different positions.

Holy moly that flush look is sexy. Next time I see your car, I’m going to hit on it SO BAD.

its crazy, but you see the wheel gap? That’s with the car up in the air on jacks. When I dropped it…Holy moly it was low.

damn…that is teh SEX. BBK = FTW!


u finally got the BBK on…i have 2 see it up close before it starts 2 snow here :frowning: and wash ur rims :smiley:

not bad…d2’s are junk though. Hope they don’t blow on you like EVERY OTHER SET IN EXISTANCE.

Hopefully…I’ve heard mixed reviews about them, plus I got them super cheap. So if they do blow…it will just be an excuse to go JICs

Very nice kit! :R

Why did you go with Willwood as oppossed to any other brand?

  1. Super light 4 piston aluminum calipers. They probably weigh about 2 or 3lbs without pads. I kid you not. I can pick up the calipers with one finger.

  2. Kits are built in house in the US.

  3. They’ve been around for over 2 decades and have developed a serious reputation in the racing industry.

  4. 4th Gen maxima calipers and 2pc rotor kit retails for 2000US…let say I got it at a VERY good deal.

any other mods you going to be putting on???


its winter so a lot of my mods are on hold. but here is a list of things I’m working on during the inter months…

  1. redoing LED tails…utilizing superflux LEDs in stock housing. But I am am now creating LED signals and reverse lights.

  2. redoing my HID Projectors. Creating Demon eyes and considering a foglight projector inside the housing to double as a signal light. Similar to the Jettas

  3. Sourcing Carputer components to integrate my car into my home wireless network.

  4. Skirt kit sitting in my garage awaiting painting and installation.

I guess that’s it for now…But I’m also looking for a STS, Stage 1 clutch and keeping my eyes peeled for a V2 SC…

But financially, it might ALL have to go on hold as my pops and I are looking at a used 911 targa right now…oh what to do, what to do.

wowzerz lots planned huh… ill be the same once i get a car again… i just hate waiting sigh

we’ll see what I do…too many project cars…not enough time.

haha what how many cars you got???

project wise…

99 maxima
89 944 turbo
63 GTO in Vancouver waiting to be shipped
potential 89 911 targa…if vendor accepts our offer

and my winter beater 93 protege GT is always a project car.

Other than that…daily driver cars include
2001 Jeep Liberty Ltd.
2004 Infinity G35 Sedan
2001 Civic coupe

And a Classic 1980 Ford Extended Clubwagon in mint condition…still running too!

That’s why the GTO is still in Vancouver…no where here to store it.

I guess you could say my pops and I are addicts. Heck, we’re attending racing classes together as members of the Porsche club.

That’s a huge collection!

Best of luck with all those projects!

Thanks, I might be getting you detail some of them in the near future :wink:

HOLY CRAPPPP… can you say… IM RICH!!! for me hahah thats too much cars dude. wow where do you find the time for all of this?

We’re not rich…just found good cars at good prices and fix them up ourselves…

And that’s another problem…we don’t have much time. During the summer its different, but in the Winter, we only get a couple warmish hours during the weekend. And you can never have enough cars. We;re thinking of converting the garage into a tandem garage so we can store everything. Either that or I sell my house downtown and buy a farm up north with a heated barn…that would be the sh!t!

that sounds wild… and i know what you mean about the winter summer thing but its cool that you have the drive and passion to do all of that seriously :R something i could never do at this moment… im so jealous… :stuck_out_tongue: