

Pot calling the kettle black:wtf:

^^ nah cheeky weighs more than me… I now have bragging rights to call him fat.

That comment wasn’t directed towards u assphat…

^^ well you still get what I meen… and yah justin is getting there no time.

cause cheeks weighs 250 ur 240, and im now 215…:rolleyes: ya im getting there, since ive lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks


Not really…:hsugh:

All of you need ot get off the PC’s and do some physical excerise. You’re all too young to be worried about your weight. That is not a good sign for your health in the future.

Go ride a REAL bike… not PS2 bike

good thing you STILL cant stop a puck. unless im shooting at your head

yes and you will look funny with a goalie stick in your ass!

thats good… let me know when you want to go work out… what are you doing?

you should be a motivational speaker, but I have realized this in the past few months…

:wtf: :1320: :madfawk:

How’s that for motivation?



:rofl: :rofl:

/ thread

oh look at me, my names dan and im the coolest kid cause i own an MR2…thats like saying your the smartest kid with down syndrome

I am 260

dont worry about him. i got a 2 stage nitrous kit and a ls6 intake you can put on your car. to half track his ass…oooh and i got a set of stickys also

you are not helping…