Make that bitch itch.

The ultimate revenge. :rofl:

Read the red package! Mean little bastards.


We can do this to Laura.


doesnt she have enough of them already?

You can keep them for 160 days if you freeze em.

lol nice munster, I saw this a few weeks ago lol

Weren’t you buying a house, Robry? Want a housewarming gift?

jeff you have a package being delivered to your place. please dont open it until sean gets there.

lol, I passed this along to a friend who is getting a divorce since her husband hasn’t been very faithfull… she’s heavily contemplating it, and just trying to figure out how to deliver to him without sharing since they are in the same house!

wow to the extreme

wouldnt be the first time jeff got a package

:rofl: unfortunately this is all too true