Dear ________

Dear craig,

i am becomming more and more obsessed with you every day. i sexually fantasize about you constantly and i already have our kids named and our wedding planned. whenever you send me an email i get so overwhelmed with excitement i can hardly contain myself. oh and if you ever try to leave me, i’ll kill you and then i’ll kill myself. it’ll be romantic.


dear amanda,

thanks for being such a nice and loyal friend to me while we were in high school. NOT!

ps- are u knocked up again yet?

dear mom,

i love you, but for the love of god, leave me alone and stay out of my business. oh and get over yourself while you’re at it.

dear dad,

thanks for helping me pay for college. NOT!

dear stepmom,

thanks for spending all my dad’s money so that he is always broke and can’t afford to help me pay for college. oh and thank you SO much for all those cheesy fucking cheap ass christmas gifts you buy for me and my sister and say are from my dad. do you think i’m stupid? i know my dad’s taste and i know the kind of stuff he would pick out for me and a fucking stovetop plaster scrambled egg to lay your cooking utensils on is not one of them.

oh yea, you’re fat and ugly too.

dear blair,

i’m really sorry for being a stupid, selfish immature bitch of a girlfriend. i swear i had nothing but good intensions. i just needed to grow up a lot (and still do) and i pushed you away because i was scared. i hope you can forgive me some day.

go ahead and get those letters off your chest.

dear mom & dad,

ok so i never tell you i love you and stuff because i find it embarassing, but yeah…i guess i do. but you are embarassing so that’s why i never want to bring people around for dinner or something…and don’t ask me about my personal life anymore because i don’t want to talk about it.

dear marsha,

so yeah…i still love you and all, but eh…i’m really over it and all i want from you is sex because you have a great rack and are ok in bed…mostly cause i love your rack.

dear bryan,

i stole your wallet when we were younger and that’s where it went…opps. sorry about that, but i did enjoy the money at the time. and sorry for always picking on you when we were little.

dear april,

i’m starting to get a little creeped that you keep talking to me. we broke up and i don’t really want to keep hearing about how you are alone bla bla bla and all your friends don’t like you bla bla bla. why am i too nice to just say that? i get really tired of that highschool bullshit and it’s the reason i broke up with your ass in the first place. maybe if you were a little hotter i could take it, but eh…stop messaging me. and offering me sex will not get me to date you again.

more in a sec hehehe…good thread

Dear Jessica,

You are a fucking head-case. I broke up with you for a reason. Do not ocntinue calling me and texting me. Stop accusing me of stealing your shirt that you gave me. I doubt that you’re ever going to find anyone to put up with your shit, because I certainly put up with it a lot longer than 99% of the population would. Stop.

Dear Mandy,

You’re the biggest regret I have. I wish I could go back three years and not have been such a fuck up and thrown away a great relationship because I was selfish and partying was more important than you.

Dear Shaina,

I don’t know why I broke up with you. You are smoking hot and love sex. Everywhere. What was wrong with me? Oh yeah that’s right I couldn’t stand talking to you on the phone and listening to you cry to me for hours about stupid shit. Cry literally. See someone

Dear NYSpeed,

you make me 99.999% less productive then I normally am. I HATE YOU


Dear Jon:

I <3 you but it drives me crazy when you open cabinets and don’t shut them. Buy me diamonds and I will forget you do this.




Don’t waste your energy “picking” on girls who have boyfriends. We aren’t here to impress you nor get your respect. We’re settled down and don’t care what other guys think on this board. Save your time and energy :stuck_out_tongue: lol



Dear Kristen;

How you doing

Love, Bryan

Dear Kristen,

Less time typing, more time ironing.


Dear Kristen,

Where the hell is my breakfast?


Dear Emo kids,


Concerned member of society,

dear woman,

you know you cry at night when you get made fun of online. please do not front.


dear kristen,

thanks for making me breakfast every morning, doing the dishes, taking out doug every morning, doing all of the laundry all the time and cleaning the house all the time. also thanks for what i forgot to say thanks for :slight_smile:



thanks for farting in my face when you have to go potty. you the man.


Dear jon and kristen,

shut up…

love Aaron.


see you soon. :slight_smile: <3

Dear Jared:

The fuck?


Dear Adam,

are you gonna buy an EVO again, or be a giant vagina?

Love Aaron <3

dear nyspeed,

way to fuck a potentially good thread.



Dear Thread,


Love Gus

Dear Skunk,

You drive an BMW M3 and are contemplating getting a Mercedes or a Land Rover for a winter beater. I drive a 5 year old Honda and a 15 year old Mitsubishi. If you ever ask me to buy you a drink again I will put you in a sleeper hold.


A guy with no Van Dutch hats, or any hats for that matter.

Dear Howie,


Love Aaron

LOL… is that eva longoria in your avatar!?