
Hate mail between me and my girlfriend’s friend who does not like me and like to talk endless shit about me to me gf. Realy funny.

[size=1]Ok I don’t know what your problem is or who the fuck you think you are, but stop talking shit about me to Courtney. I don’t understand what is going threw that fucked up head of yours, nor do I really give 2 fucks, but don’t fucking tell her she should break up with me and all this bullshit because you like her. If you really cared about her then you would see she is actually happy and starting to do something with her life. You are going to do nothing but bring her down. She is done with all the drugs and doesnt need that shit in her life, so don’t bring it around her. You want to do drugs and be a loser and get in trouble and shit, go right the fuck ahead and do it…but dont you ever even attemp to get her back into that shit. You are nothing but a fucking scum bag piece of shit. Go do us all a favor and end yourself. [/size]

----------------------------HER REPLY-----------------------------------
What the fuck dont go and fucking degrate me. Firts of all you do not know me, ej, or my friends so do not try talking about them you stupid fucking hick. What I do is my own buisness not once have I pressured courtney to do drugs. I told I didnt even want her to. The reason I tell Courtney to break up with you is because I am her best friend and I think she can to better than some low life, poor, redneck like yourself. you think your the fucking shit but your a 22 year old living in your mommy’s house driving in her car around town telling 17 year old girls to bring it. No wonder it takes you 22 years to get a girlfriend. I dont even know what i did to you in the first place i told you id give you another chance and then you have to start your shit? I thought that the idea was to impress your girlfriend’s friend. Im not the one whos disliked in this situation nobody likes you except Courtney according to what she told me.
Go end myself…lol. wow it really seems you care about your girlfriends when you type immature messages to her best friend telling her to kill herself. I have never once told her to do something wrong or illegal. I have been there for her. I think its also pretty bad when your girlfirend told me she’d rather lie down next to me than cuddle with with you. You pathetic piece of shit. And just so you know I’m not in compitition with you for Courntey. Im not single Im taken and am in love. I have absolutly no disire to be with Courtney so get that out of your head. So why dont yu think about it a little more. go button up your fucking plaid shirts you fucking hill billy. Maybe then you can hide you boobs. I thought EMT’s and fire fighters were supposed to be in good shape… not fat ases. Im 17 years old and Ive got my shit together more than you do. If you really love Courtney why dont you do her a favor… go in your mommy’s car, go blast your Metallica and drive into a tree really really fast.


[font=Arial]---------------------------------------------------- MY REPLY --------------------------------------------------------[/font]
[font=verdana][size=2]1. Grammar is not your friend.

  1. You are a fat ugly piece of shit…that’s why you have to settle with a girl and not a man, because no man on earth wants your fugly ass. You look like a shaved monkey.

  2. Yes, I do live in the country, and I’m am very happy here. How you get the idea that I am a hillbilly I don’t know, maybe you should buy a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word.

  3. You are jealous because my gf is absolutely gorgeous and yours looks like a very ugly guy.

  4. My “boobs” are solid muscle…and they are called pecks, refering to the pectoral muscles on the chest…again, look it up before you spout your ignorant bullshit.

  5. I am 21, not 22.

  6. I had a gf before Courtney, thus, it did not take me 22 years to find one, also keeping in mind that I am not yet 22, your comment was nullified right there and then.

  7. I have heard about your little drug induced phone calls threatening to kill yourself. You are what we call an attention whore. You do not have your life together if you are getting stoned and calling people to brag about how you are a loser and must die.

  8. YOU have been talking shit to Courtney about how she should break up with me…hence YOU started this, Not me. So don’t act like this is a sudden, unprovoked attack on my part.

  9. What is wrong with a plad shirt? I happen to like that shirt. Besides, after seeing what you wear, you are the last person on earth to make fun of the way I dress. I wear cloths that fit.

  10. If you think all Firefighter and EMTs are in good shape that just goes to show how ignorant you really are. Half the people I work with are out of shape…and they do more in one week to help their surrounding community than you ever have in your life. So shut the fuck up you nasty fucking cunt and don’t ever try to insult me for putting MY life on the line to help out people I dont even know. I do something to help my country and if I should die doing so, it would be with honor. You on the other hand will die a junkie crack whore to which nobody gives a flying fuck about…because in reality…you make no difference in the world. When you die, you will be forgotten and throw away like the saggy ass stinky fucking shit sac that you are.

  11. Metallica has been going strong for over 20 years and is coming out with a new album soon, and they don’t have to rely on the “shock factor” to impress people like that ass clown Manson that you love so much.

  12. You don’t even have your drivers license so shut the fuck up. Yes I am driving my mother’s car right now because I am saving up for a better one. At least my parents love me enough to help me out by letting me use their vehicles and trust me.

Wow…and I thought you were and ignorant fuck before. This just goes to show how right I was and how stupid you really are. You feeble pseudo intellectual attempts to insult me backfired horribly. So I will sit back and laugh at you, and quite profusely too. Especially when I consider the sorce of the “insults.”


If you’re 21, and you are fighting with your 17 year old’s girlfriend’s best friend who is also 17, you might want to check yo’self foo.

In all honesty, you sound like a baby, and you nit picking everything she says AFTER your hostile and childish e-mail to her doesn’t do much for your personality. Not to mention the fact that you resort to a lot of very child like demeanor - calling her ugly, ripping on her because she got your age wrong by 1 year (I would assume she is trying to state the fact that you are a decent amount older than her) telling her that her grammar sucks when - yours isn’t exactly much better.

You’re 21, you’re a lot older than them. You should show it. IMO you stooped down to her level. Sure, she may be a stupid drug addicted fatty dyje - but a different approach should have been used.

BTW, if your g/f is even believing the shit that she is saying, you might wanna check her f00

well said. and props to stickin it through thick and thin

lol…I know it was immature and shit…but u gotta admit it was kinda funny. what can I say. I get bored.

How can you nail pseudo and be such an awful speller…dumb luck is your friend

because I’m an idiot sevant :stuck_out_tongue:

17 year old eh? :wink: Good luck with getting around annoying friends. It can be tough.

sigh…add another one to the list.

But I have to be curious as to why you would post this…I mean does it make you feel cool? Or do you want to be known as the guy that totally ripped on this 17yr old girl via email? Or is it you are bored and mildly amused by this?

I would bet on the latter.

I tried to edit the post but my comp is mad slow so it is hard…doesnt help that my hands are numb and its hard to type.

Honestly…I dont care what people think. I posted it because I found it funny. Thaught some people might find it funny as well.

Yeah…but its not like you are off by one letter even close to the letter key you need :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s ok tho…I was just mildly amused by you getting that word and missing so many others…but I felt the urge to post it, probably for the same reason you posted your email conversations…mildly amused.

Wait… so her friend is a lesbian?

pics of the shaved monkey?


Yes her friend is a lesbian…a very goulish looking lesbian. For alittle background info pertaining to the topic…she is my gf’s friend, and is obsessed with her. She has, in the past, gotten on her knees and begged my gf to date her. The entire reason she does not like me is out of jelousy. As much as she denies it…it is true, I have heard it from a few people that know her.

real lesbians are not attractive 99% of the time.
true story!

monkey girl ^ (she looks much worse in person, and she fucking reaks)

her “gf” V (NWS due to goulishness)

My vote is for a threesome. Goulish lesbians are usually kinky.

Unless you meant goulish as in retardedly hideous.

EDIT: on the grounds of the post above… I retract my threesome statement. And the duct tape does prove kinkyness. And her “bf” is a hot man.

far beyand retardedly hideous

Thanks for delivering :tup:?

Im so fucking sorry I asked. I swear, I’m never poeting after heaving drinking, I knew it was a bad idea to ask :cry:

Hey…I tried to warn you.