question about 18 year old boys

i dont like this kid, he obviously likes my g/f and tries to make her angry at me… but if i show him i dont like him, or say something/do something/////// he will make gestures toward my g/f even more… and that will piss me off…

input…? what would you do in the situation…

punch him in the brain.

i know a certain board member who talked alot of shit about me to my girlfriend because he was trying to fuck her. Then lied to his friend and said they “fooled around”…

kick his ass. seriously. teach him not to fuck aorund with you

Shit in his pillowcase.

if u let him get away with it he’ll just keep doin it. put ur foot down

yeah i would def throw fists in this situation…asking ur g/f to say something to him is not a bad idea either…but were all men here, we solve problems with violence, just fuck him up

Honestly, not only do you need to put your foot down, but so should your freaking girlfriend. Any smart and respectable girlfriend (who at least cares about her BF) that had another guy hitting on her should off the bat say, “Look, i’m with someone else right now i’m not interested in you” and not leave you to do all the work of getting this kid to go away. I honestly think it’s more of her call now, if she’s flirting back then that’s really not a good sign…but then again he obviously isn’t stopping. I’d talk to her about it


What she said. The GF shouldn’t be siding with the other guy she barely knows, otherwise could be a sign of a rough sea ahead.

as far as i know the hitting on isnt so blatent, but he always tries to make me look bad, like im an unfaithful bf… which results in me getting questioned CONSTANTLY which brings on more anger…

his response to me is “you have no reason to hate me, i just tell her my POV from a GUYS point of view”

:word: however if you can’t get directly to the brain the temple will do.

well show him your POV from a pissed off bf POV.

What others have said…

I just kinda went through something similar. And if I could do it over again I would.

Serious response: Knock him the fuck out in front of her, and when she freaks, dump her. Then proceed to not feel bad about anything you did, because you shouldn’t. Hold your head high. Keep it real.

Hit him and than bitch slap her for hanging around an 18 year old asshole.

I think you should tell her to tell him to back up off before you do. But my question is why isnt he dead already? It should not take this long. Learn to put out the flames before they become fires.

Edit- nm.

i like the last thing 2TurboZ


The girlfriend definitely needs to step up and say something. If she doesn’t, she’s not worth your time because that is an awkward situation.

Dump her.

fixed. :tup: