What should I do about a creepy kid harassing my gf at her work?

my gf works at a college as a receptionist. she sends out acceptance letters, takes phone calls, ect. there is an 18 year old student who, no lie, she was super nice to on the first day of class because she thought he was mildly retarded.

so the next day the kid asks her out on a date. she obv says no, i have a bf who i live with, plus youre ugly and a wigger (ok so maybe not the last part) ect. even while knowing she is commited to someone, not few days go by without him harassing her at work. she has talked to the dean, and the dean has talked to the student about it on numerous occasions. he will wait until the dean leaves for the night to come and talk to her, even to the point he is skipping classes to do so.

i dont know what to do. the angry possessive italian part of me wants to hunt him down and choke the shit out of him. but the logical (irish) part of me wants to just go there and talk to him. maybe if he knows i actually exist and he can put a face to this girl’s bf he will finally leave her alone.

she is going to write an email to the dean tomorrow. not only was he harassing her tonight, but he was visibly stoned. hopefully the email gets this taken care of, if it doesnt, i plan on going in there tues night and having a little chat with him. we both go to school during the day and work at night, tues is the only night i have off while she is at work.


IMPORTANT: if you know me in real life, ie. you will be drinking beer with me this weekend DO NOT casually mention this to her please. i dont want her to know i did this, im just looking for suggestions as to what you would do if you were in my situation.

I think Boxxa will get the point and leave her alone haha.

The fat kid strikes first!

Sounds like she is taking the best course of action… Sexual harassment is taken very seriously

some girls are too nice to fggts

my own is the same way

totally dude! she’s way too sweet. its a double edged sword my man

Does she work at UB?

For some reason I thought I saw a girl that looks like your girlfriend (the one time I met her completely plastered…)

just call the cops. get a complaint filed/logged.

btw i woudda figured ur irish part would’ve gotten drunk and passed out while trying to figure out how to deal with this :lol:

nah she doesnt work at ub haha

and i dont want to get the cops involved just yet. im thinking if you dont know me personally i can be kind of intimidating? maybe?

i just want to talk to him. tell him the shit is not cool. he’s young, and maybe he just doesnt know any better

no. don’t get yourself involved. have the girlfriend talk about sexual harassment with the Dean. The dean will be forced to take action, whether its talk to the kid or remove him


ugh dan i want to go fucking punch this kids face in sooooo bad

if it were me, i would verbally mention something to him, “dude, my girl doesnt like you, you r a tool, etc” if that doesnt work and he keeps it up, find him and pound the shit outta him. Thats just me.


go to the dean.

You call the Irish part of you rational? Shit my Irish side of me says I should come out to help you confront the douche! Well, maybe it is my german side… not sure. Either way if it isn’t handled you should definatly make it a point to just be there at a time when he usually shows up and nicely intorduce yourself to him. By nicely I mean in a firm yet not going to jail sort of way :slight_smile:

thats what i plan on doing tuesday. just talk to him, nothing else. i think if he talks to me, maybe he will get some respect for her and me and the whole situation and just end it

lol. when i get pissed (and i totally blame it on the greasy wop side of me) i get this fire inside me that grows to the rear of my neck and burns the back of my head. it only happens when people hurt the people i care about a lot… and ive had the fiery burn a few times when we both come home from work and talk lol.

god. this thread is getting gay as fuck.

and i totally plan on just talking. no physical confrontations whatsoever

Idk … ive had shit like this happen before with my girlfriend ( ive been with her 4 years, 2 of them being while we both were in high school, so mind you this has happend on numerous accounts) and me being the dumb ass daigo that i am usually want to snap and hammer them. But usually I just find where they are and tell them to their face that im not going to beat their ass on the spot and it will remain that way under certain circumstances… I say this is your first and only warning to stay the fuck away from my broad or you will have a very serious problem to face.

75% of the time thats worked for me and i never have to deal with them again.

Every once and a while you get the cocky faggot that thinks their tough and wants to push your and her buttons after you have that calm little chit once or twice with them. Then you need to be a little more stern with them usually grabbing them by the shirt and getting in their face and slamming them into a wall saying you will have a big fuckin problem if i even see or hear you look at her again works pretty well if you ask me.

with that being said, good luck Jam!

your gay as fuck :slight_smile:

I get just as mad when anyone fucks with my family. Girlfriends after a time fall into the family category. I have been in a similar situation, it actually worked itself out due to her having balls and telling the guy to fuck off. I like when I dont have to do anything.

I’m guessing this guy thinks your lady is bluffing about having a boyfriend. If you confront him maybe he’ll stop. If not file a restraining order/sexual harassment suit.

thats the thing tho, 95% of the time the girls dont have the balls to tell some creep off because they think itl piss them off and they might do it more or somethign even worse.

well usually there is a 50/50 chance they will.