Sexual harassment at work

So, i’m sitting here and thinking how to complement a girl. I want to say “I love how your ass looks in those pants”, but like, ya know? Lawsuit, me gettin fired and shit? Yea, dont want THAT. How do I do it?

“Oh my those pants look so good on you! Where can I get a set?!?!”

Say that with a gay voice. She will then think you’re gay. In which case the girl will then think you’re not trying to get in her pants, which means if you go to her place, she’ll be open to change in front of you and even describe her sex life to you. Then you come out of your gay-ness. Just play the part. She’ll dig it. She might hit you after all is said and done though.

Wasn’t there a movie with a plot like this???Oh right Chuck and Larry

you can’t, don’t even bother… just stare and enjoy

Entirely different plot. How dare you.

but it looks nice. i wana bite it. ;D

just tell her she’s looking great, but don’t get creepy.

i wish this was the 50s when a firm grab of a female co-workers buttocks meant “great job”

You do realize who you are saying that to right?

Say nothing while on property.

Kind of like Chuck and Larry! Jessica Biel FTW!

Edit: Oops…someone already said that.

“Nice shoes.”

It means “nice legs” and she knows it but it sounds less creepy.

Sexual Harassment Expert

so does “nice pants” mean “nice ass!”? also, how do u say that I wana bite it and slap it, as well.


soooooo… stalk her till shes home and do it there? :excited

Skazhi yeyi po ruski. When she asks what you just said…tell her you’ll tell her over dinner…and then tap that after dinner.

You: Tvoya zhopa ochen krasiva v etih raytuzah.
Her: What?
You: Ya hochu tvoyu zhopu v kusiti
Her: WHAT!?
You: Meet me at place at time. I’ll tell you all about it.
time passes
her making the o-face

^^^ = you win.

a horoshiy voobshe to plan, a? heheheh mozhet srabotayet?

Ya neznayu. Ya vobshe bigayu za bogo boyazlivimi divchatami. Voni take ne roblyat lol. (Do you understand Ukrainian? lol)

i lol’d