Laws about what bumper stickers can say?

Is there any official law about what a bumper sticker can say? Like, can you get a ticket for something offensive? How does that work?

freedom of speech?


i’ve seen some pretty badass ones.

Theres one on a car in our aparment complex that says Fuck you, ohh no ok fine unFuck You or something like that.

my friend had a sticker on the back window of his car that said “Fuck the Police!” and he got a ticket for it. i cant remember what the technical violation was, but none the less.

Im pretty sure you wont be bothered with a sticker with some unchoice words.
But a sticker with “Fuck the Police” , well your asking for it

^^ word. dont drive around with any weed in the car if youre gonna have that bumper sticker.

the funny part is…he did :lol:


who does that kid think he is, Chuck Norris?

i was gonna not get pulled over

but then i got high

daaaaaa da ba da da da

I’m getting one made up tomorrow:

I fucked your pre-highschool honor student.

weeds for losers

Some piece of shit girl who cut me off super badly on the Thruway had a “GET STONED” bumper sticker.


it’s okay, since she drives like that and has That bumper sticker

she’ll get pulled over and raped with a mace-covered nightstick

karma > piece of shit girl (i hate girls that are solely composed of feces)

I bet it was obstuction of view if it was on the window.


so true

put whatever you want on a bumper sticker, but youre bound to piss off someone. Then again, if you really like your car, you wouldnt put on a bumper sticker to begin with.

i think her plan is to use bumpter stickers to hold her bumper on the car.

i got that tshirt lol

my father bought a used car a few years ago with “Well aren’t we just a ray of fucking sunshine” bumbersticker that he thought was funny. The day my mother needed to borrow the car to go to work was the day that sticker got “accidentally” peeled off lol