Lcd monitor purchase

I’m looking at buying my roommate a new monitor as a graduation present. I honestly know nothing about them and don’t know what are good spec. to look for. I’m was looking at newegg’s site but if you have other reputable sites I’m more than willing to check them out also. I’m looking at spending around $200 for it. I don’t want anything smaller than a 17".

Thanks for all your help.

i remember seing one 4sale on here, i’ll try to find it

ok n/m they were WTB threads, my bad

I got my envision 17" for $180 at Staples. $130-$200 is the lowest price bracket you;re going to find unless you buy used or refurbished.

I was already there. I don’t know what any of the spec mean and what’s good and bad.

I got2 Samsung 19" widescreens from Best Buy for just over $200 each. I freakin love them. The screen is immaculate and the refresh rate keeps up. Its got a slim border around it too and just looks so nice.

I see they are about $250 on the website. I got mine around Christmas and they were about $220 in the store.

thats a nice look’n screen and it says 239.99 for it on the site

I rounded up to account for tax/shipping.

ya i figured so, i was just messin wit ya…:bigthumb:

Thanks for the link.

here goes one on new egg. I think its a newer model.

That one is definitely FTW! :cool:


Oh snap, that is nice. Maybe time for an upgrade…

yeah do it… ill buy your old one my screen is finally gettig really really blurry in the corners but cant complain its been on for about 5+ years now

I have the samsung one and its great!

i got a 20" viewsonic widescreen from costco for like 250, i think they have a 19 for well under 200, its been a great monitor, picture is really good on it
