Leaving for pinks??

If your going to pinks do we all wanna meet up some where and caravan down together?? Im saying lets all leave around 1pm on monday?? we could all meet at ??(location)??:blah: lets try to figure this out with out :drama:

i should be leaving around 3ish monday cuz i gotta work…

What time is the race?


someone tape it if ur allowed that is and upload ASAP

i am prob leaving around noon 1 sh

i got room if someone needs a ride

Ill be leaving with flat black terror :)…

damn i wanna go. i just want to watch or be part of the posse that stands there and doesnt do anything

if i’m aloud i will…and dont worry i’ll bring the tripod:greddy:

oh and btw does anyone know the best way to get there??? i have no idea where its at and dont say mapquest…they always give the wrong directions.

i was just looking at google maps… and that looked pretty good to me.


ya some1 tape it …i won’t be able to make it now …:rant:

Anyone still have room I wanna go to this.

your wish is now granted.

so hockey mon night then? lol

Most likely yes.

good. i’ve missed blasting pucks past you

yah they all hit my glove.


thats what time were leaving tomorrow.

where at in maryland is the drag strip at? i guess we need to figure out the best way to get there still.