Legally getting rid of gas.

Does anyone know where I could possibly dump or get rid of 10 or more gallons of older gas. I had to clean out my jet skis fuel tank twice and have this laying around. I know autozone takes oil but does anyone take gas?

a match?

where about are you? I could just burn it

Lawn mower or weed eater. Offer to give it to a neighbor? Anyone with a crappy car on your block? They’d probably love it…

Yeah ill gladly take that off of you lol.

the gas is 1. old , 2. has water mixed in it 3. also has a premix of oil in it …anyone still want it lol

got any ants, or sidewalk weeds?

again, I’ll live in the sticks I can use it for fires where are you located?

Probably would still be fine for a lawn mower. :lol: I can’t imagine the premix for a modern jetski being more than like 100-200:1. How much water got in?

lol… ive already spilled some on my grass already and left a huge brown spot.

50:1 mix and its got some water not alot… the ski sank a few times

Give it to KuntryQuestTSi, on the following conditions.

  1. He dumps all 10 gallons at once then lights it.

  2. He films it and shares the video with us.

I never get tired of the “ku-WHUMP” sound big piles of gas make when they burn.

haha as the title states legally lol, as long as i get my containers back idc what he does …im just sick of my dad bitchin about all the parts and shit laying around from my skis and car

i have ran an auto repair garage for 16 years with my father. we take used gas and oil for free. so try a small repair garage near your house

bring it for the fourth :slight_smile:

ok if not im shipping it to rochester and you guys can use it for race gas

your parents wouldnt even trust me walking around with it…they know what im capable of doing haha… hmmm i wonder if i can set your pond on fire haha

place large logs/trees what ever wood you can find in a pile… put waste fluids on pile. light… wait 2 hours then make smores

if i just didnt have a dick neighbor in my back yard this would work… he calls the cops if the smoke blows towards his house

Lighting gas in a campfire is fucking nuts.

If you throw a match at that shit, the logs will blow up and go flying everywhere.

PM JoeOmerta. Him and his boys are pyros. They’ll take it I’m sure!