He got banned/banished before…came back and acted like the douche he is, and got banished again…its only going to happen again
Sounds like he defiled your sister? :mamoru:
Can we allow him and ban Just Karter?
he called howie fat, but howie isnt fat anymore sore live and let live fagz
Hmm his actions are being compared to an upper decker… thats pretty rough… but yet pretty funny (depenedin in if your the the one doin the deed, or the toilet owner…)
Beck =
Look what I can do!
wheres the option : who the fuck cares, people need to grow up and not live threw other peoples lifes.
no thanks.
whos to say he isnt back already? If cuban can come back 23409732497 times why wouldn’t beck be back? If this is a dumb question just excuse me, i dont know whats involved in ‘banning’ that you couldnt just sign back up again…
doesn’t matter. Whats done is done.
Beck FTW
he has been on with other names, but then he has to keep his asshatery to a minimum so he can go unnoticed… but this is beck, and he can’t possibly go unnoticed for long, he would freak out if no one paid attention to him.
because too many people find out, then a power hungry mod who has something against him will ban him over and over.
because the internet is serious bizness.
IP Ban??
i don’t think any of the mods that banned him are still mods (except Howie)
who banned Dlucas?
I didn’t get the whole story, but didn’t one of the mods know, and didn’t do anything?