Let me tell you a story about today...

After I was done taking these shots, I had my camera on the tripod, I set it down on the pavement for some reason, and I heard a bad sound. A sound of metal connecting with pavement from about a height of 3 feet. My tripod tipped over (one leg was not fully extended, yea…Im fucktarded sometimes :retardclap ), my Canon 24-70 f/2.8L lens ($1200+ new) was now sucking face with the pavement. Fuck. The lens only zooms between 35mm and 70mm now without the aid of pulling on it. :frowning:

All I can think of is that it was some type of suicide attempt by my camera, or self punishment for subjecting it to something it didnt want to see. I’ll let you guys decide…

Since you forced your cam to take the pics of that god-awful ‘vehicle’, I haz no bad feelings for you.


It was obviously trying to kill itself because of the vehicle you were making it take pics of.

Ugh… Kill it with fire, that thing is horrendous

Nice pics of an ugly truck.

It would look ok if it was just green without the graphics and if the interior was stock.

Nice pics, do not like the truck in the pics :lol…but the paint work on it looks top notch.

nice pics…in the world of mini trucks that thing is fucking sweet…in the world of shift518, god awful ugly…

In the world period that thing makes me want to puke.

apparently that guy is mr.las vegas…you’d think he would be driving something alot nicer :rofl

im not gonna say a word about the truck … but i will say i am terribly sorry to hear about that unfortunate event… i think the sound of that lens hitting the ground is much worse than nails on a chalkboard or crying babies … you have my sympathies

i’m sorry your lens tried to commit suicide.

If I was your camera lens, I would have succeeded in killing myself.

Shot #13 should have been a bit more careful as you got both trucks in one shot. =)

Edit: Among many other shots, but it’s hard to do when the paint and chrome as so damn reflective.

The marcro shots of the paint are the best in the set. One they make you forget about the rest of the truck. Two it is actually a pretty nice job on the paint.

Paint job is incredible but I will never stop being amazed at how people with so much money and/or talent in paint/body work can have such gaping deficits in taste.

def someone can get down with a paint gun.

shut up hemroid.

this truck sucks in this world.

pics are sick

sorry about the lens!