Let us make a list...

Cheap/simple things that make your life feel just a little more luxurious…

Coming to you from an iPad on the porcelain throne…

Shouldn’t be all bathroom related but I’ll go first:

Blue toilet water puck thing, 3-ply TP & baby wipes


touch less automatic lift garbage can lid
Robot vacuum cleaner
touch less paper towel dispenser with auto cutter

Yes i’m lazy and have a bunch of sweet gadgets haha

Body powder, fork and knife cause I don’t enjoy eating like a caveman to name.a.couple.

Gold Bond

Baby wipes are a must. EsP after my time in service. Alway keep a box in the house

Water Pitcher with charcoal filter,Choose a size paper towels.Keurig coffee maker and saves quite a bit of time and waste.

Balls n loafers, nice one.

Having food that doesn’t give me dysentery. Having a bathroom that works, with a toilet that has a seat, with indoor plumbing that works.



Low voltage lighting outside that automatically goes on at dusk.


Need to raise your bar buddy.

A boner when I actually need one.

water dispenser on my fridge, central air


projector for my xbox…110" still seems small

1000 thread count sheets

I wish I could say yes to this but ours broke Thurs night and would not pull out the cork.

Buy yourself some brand new socks every once in a while. A fresh pair puts a spring in your step worth far more than their cost.