Lets Make a Deal (the game show)

most of you are too young to remember this, but mike (from innovative) is old, and so am i. anywho, we were talking about it last night, and i had a question about the donkey that was always behind one of the curtains.

did the contestant get to keep the donkey if they wanted to?

i believe they only got to ride it down the grand canyon then they had to give it back

good question!

too bad its harder to get the donkey :frowning:

no they didn’t keep it.

Lets! Make! A! Deeaaal!

Was there ever a different host? I remember the show but I don’t remember this guy. :shrug:

Monty Hall, right?

I always remembered Monty as the host. People used to dress up in the stupidest costumes to get on the show too

happy gilmore-“i love you on lets make a deal”

bob barker- “Its the price is right”


you should be demoded

I’ll buy you a beer.

ZD will give you the goat for not remembering Monty.