Long story short, I can get anything off of www.mvpmotorsports.com (if you don’t see the part ask me) and I am also a Magnuson supercharger dealer.
I’m also unemployed now so any sales would help:(
Long story short, I can get anything off of www.mvpmotorsports.com (if you don’t see the part ask me) and I am also a Magnuson supercharger dealer.
I’m also unemployed now so any sales would help:(
Unemployment FTW.
Yep, it’s great losing 1/2 of your take home pay a week!
Yea I hear ya, I was unemployed but luckily found another job in two weeks.
Can I haz red supras with wing on front page
Tell em to make some bimmer parts
Sry, nice cars only.
Let me know what you need and I can at least see if I can get it.
I’m way too poor to buy parts new, I buy all used parts, even clutches and oil.
Rchiplock had an argument about using used motor oil when some one was trying to find used tires. It was rather amusing
Nothing wrong with used tires.
No but thats how it started fluffy
Dude only 1/3 qt was used, geez.
Not on purpose, some forum members are just shady like that.