LF: 300ZX TT

Looking for a Wrecked 300ZX TT.

As long as it doesnt have rear quarter damage and is not listed as uninsurable post some information and a price.


^^^ I didn’t know they made covertables in 1993?

first year was in 93 along with the coupe and hatch then in 94 it was only the convertible… still surprisingly there are very few convertibles… 100s not 1000s

Highly interested in seeing a hatch convertible please post pics. They must be super rare.

I don’t think that’s what he meant. I’m pretty sure he meant that in 1993 you could buy either a hatch, a coupe, or a convertable, and in 1994 you could only buy the convertable.

Yeah what i meant was in 93 you could buy either a hatch, a coupe or a convertible but in 94 all they had were convertibles