LFJ: (Looking for Job) Corp-to-Corp Opportunities

Hi guys,

I am currently in job market right now. I am looking for a possible Corp-to-Corp opportunities for Software Developer/Programmer Analyst positions trough my company (Consulting).

Interest: Java, .NET (VB, ASP, C#), databases, other web technologies …

Do you guys know any possible openings?

Please let me know, I will forward my detail to the contact person.



Any insight…? Any insider infos…?



Any insider infos?

isnt eclipsed a recruiter?

I am too… but ill be in fla next week.

pm me


Still need a contract…

help me :slight_smile:

move to phoenix, work for GoDaddy

^available for Corp-to-Corp?

what kind of job? I don’t mind relocating…

I put myself on Craigslist, lol


lots of IT, web development, support…hit view jobs.
My friends work there, one of the top companys to work for.


Can you refer/introduce me to your friends? :slight_smile:

you have a pm

Thanks! Will do.