Looking for a new job v2.0

ok thought i would just start a clean thread sine the last one is filled with off topic drama. So please lets keep the offtopicness out of this one.

now before any one asks about the other job i posted about last week. its been a week and the company has not yet got back to me so i am just testing my other options here.

willing to relocate??


willing to relocate??


yes depending on pay.

well at least in the mean time are you really trying to promote the company that you already have?


well at least in the mean time are you really trying to promote the company that you already have?


ofcourse i have some big projects going on right now. but they dont really pay the bills,i have a lexus to pay off

Why don’t you freelance?

problem with freelancing is the “free” part. As in “free to make no money”.


Why don’t you freelance?


i do freelance, but issue with that is its not a steady cash flow.

Try local colleges and high schools. Its much less stressful then industry! I’ve done both, and I wont go back!


localnet is always hiring lol

they still have a pic of you up in the one TL’s cube hah
