like jdm goodness?

go here>>>

stolen from Nasioc.

lots of subaru/mits./etc

pagin voltron… find a new shell… like this


pagin voltron… find a new shell… like this


hot as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!

22b sex :tspry:

I’ll add something of a different flavor…

Pick a gallery. Any gallery.

actually that black car is an impreza type-r(i know u dont believe me) with a prodrive WRC kit

that kit alone(and i doubt ur ever to find a “shell” of one lying around) runs upwards of like $10-20k depending on condition and location/owner/etc.

my fav 22B is this hot wingless one

22b’s are pure sex.


I’ll add something of a different flavor…

Pick a gallery. Any gallery.


:clap:i need to move to long beach



pagin voltron… find a new shell… like this


oh my lord.


actually that black car is an impreza type-r(i know u dont believe me) with a prodrive WRC kit


really? looks like a 22b kit with a prodrive wing and a different rear bumper (esp by the front bumper and the hood…granted aftermarket and such, but you know :stuck_out_tongue: )


:clap:i need to move to long beach


me too.


i need to move to long beach


I have been saying that since the first jccs. I really gotta at least get out there for the 08 show.

Some good JDM threads lately, keep them coming!