Like to jump your sled???? LOL...

whats worse is the backend of that sled hits the guy in the face… after it smacks into the guard rail


Gap jumping a snowmobile is easier than gap jumping while snowboarding or skiing.

Unless it’s the first time hitting it. But you have the benefit of a speedometer on your sled.

Sure he screams like a girl, but I’m pretty sure I would as well. He just shattered both his ankles completely coming up short on a 120foot gap, he was going 55 mph when he took off from the jump (they had a radar detector with them the day of)

Now for the opposite of coming up short.


Now for the opposite of coming up short.


yuck. he also came up wicked short on a jump too and shattered his ankles… I can’t find the vid though.

Here is more of coming up short…more snowmobile shit…
fast forward to 2:12…although the entire teaser is pretty cool


Who is doing the reasonably simple calculations to determine the speed he would need to be going to be ANYWHERE NEAR the ramp?

I guess they forgot about gravity or something?


Now for the opposite of coming up short.


I’m at work and can’t check it, but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that it is Simon Dumont’s fall.

Horrible. Approximately 200 feet to flat, early morning hardpack.