does anyone want to fuc* around in the snow tonite? if we get enough. parking lots/ and shit. lemme know im up for it.

I doubt there will be enough, unless the whole lot is frozen over. Ice + dry spots is a good way to break something.

i hope theres enough snow, im sick of getting excited, then let down.

forecast calls for 3" at most, we’ll prolly get only .5"

Now you know how all the girls i date feel…

It would make a good vid to see some dumbass in a truck get some speed going sideways then hit a dry spot and flip…that would be mad funny.

So good! :biglaugh:

where is that homosexual under tones thread when you need it

just tossed on the snows yesterday…but now i need to tighten up the e-brake if i’m gonna be doing any driftin’ in the FWD beater…

i was messing around in frontier high school parking lot with an underage girl last night

fixed, your welcome

there is enough for fun…i almost spun out today on French Rd…I really have to get teh Advans of the back

I played around this morning for a few minutes before school. As I’m walking into Capen, I get a text from Geoff:

Is that you tearing up governors?


lol. way to re-joke my joke

maybe your blind and missed the underage girl part in white

he added the freshman part??? :boggle:

yeah, but my point was that the joke was already there, in white. After he quoted it, it’s very easy to see.

Yes, the original joke was much less lame.

V 1.0 > V 1.2

you sure you didn’t add the underaged girl part after the fact? i swear it wasn’t there initially…

but maybe it was…and i just completely missed it…at least we know we’re on the same page now though :lol: