so who had fun?

I have been out all night with martino and i <3 sr20det…shit was an epic night, smashing construction pylons and dirty close tandems with martino.

post your results of the snow fun :slight_smile:

i went out by myself

Had to knock the 4th construction pylon down for you. You missed it out of the 3…tsk tsk.

i woke up in the middle of the night just to go out hahaha

i had funn

I had tons of fun 130 on the 407 on the way to work. I fuckin hate these people with no snow tires, they drive me crazy.

I am furious, time to walk 25 minutes to campus and its snowing/hailing.

Didnt start till like 2 am in ptbo, im hoping the little rain this afternoon doesnt make it go away for tonight. im going out now anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

Sliding sideways downhill=fun. Also, I love you, school parking lot.

the water softner salt bags provide too much traction

I have a BLOWN clutch FUUUCCccKKKK

it allows you to go faster then!

damn, it didnt even snow in the hammer

4th gear 5 lane wide manji’s for 5km down highway six. NO one was out, it was so good.

just walked 30 mins in the wet from school … winter blows

was soo epic gotta get tandems tighter and stop caring so much about my car! haha

If I got any closer to Chris peter would have been able to touch my car when he had the door open.

it snowed last night so i had some fun but i awoke and it was raining :frowning:

i do miss my chrysler intrepid with my modified foot pedal parking brake haha

Martino was this in your wintermode 180? and keez using the cressy?

btw…I had fun. Sleeping on the TTC cause it was so delayed. was late for work by an hour…