Playing in the snow (56K Warning)

Everyone who has their 240 out this winter can look forward to some of this, feel free to make additions:

Continued on the following post…

Continued on the following post…

Last two:

Giant lot.

Awesome man, What lot is that?

yea what lot is that ?

PM’d both of you.

Beautiful. Now that’s what I like to see!

I thought two things before going out this winter:

  1. Will my 240 even move and/or be usable??
  2. I’m going to need to relearn my sliding & control techniques.

Well, after going out, three things:

  1. 240 is very drivable and co-operative so far, with throttle control that is
  2. I INSTANTLY knew all the techniques and am already improving on new ones, such as straight-line fishtailing, it was like riding a bike again, it all came right back to me!
  3. It is SOOO much more fun than I remembered driving RWD a la winter. :twisted:

Anyhow, drive safe guys, as you know, there are a ridiculous amount of accidents taking place as we speak… :shock:

Hey those spots look familiar, hmmm wonder where I’ve seen them?


It’s to bad we did’nt manage to hit them during the meet. I think we should definately use them for the snow meet man. There perfect!

Nice pic’s btw and, you forgot your jacket at my Mom’s house. Don’t worry I’ll hold on to it for you and we’ll hook up so you can get it back.

Take care.

Easy 8)

oh oh pass on the info man dont be greedy :smiley:

damn you got some good pow, we got shit all for snow! where do you live?

East end baby!

today was way too much fun for my own good…
east end is right! oh man, there was like 8 cm’s!

looks like fun. im gonna be e-braking it this winter :roll:

That doesn’t sound too good

lol gotta love the flea…

i took my dog out to the park in the maxima today…and while he was doing his bizznazz i had some of my own fun too…

i want more snow!!! :lol:

haha jon did u get r32 tails??? damn son


PM me where the lot is 2 , it looks great

Of course I have R32 tails. I took them off my R32 GT-R parts car.

Looks like fun. Too bad all the snow here already melted. :frowning: now its all icky slush and water.

don’t worry, it’l be ice by tmr morning :smiley: