240sx winters and you

hey all just wondering for the guys who drive their cars in winter…what methods you use to maximize on road contact :smiley:

ive never driven a rear wheel car in my life…and it looks like ill be soon doing so…and in winter…

so aside from good winter tires…anything else i can do for safety?

and if the 240 is turbocharged… how bad of a drive is that?


aside from good winter tires…

drive slow.

i know people who use skinnier tires so they can dig through the snow easier… and i dont think it matters if its turbo charged… just take it easy on the gas so you wont be on boost all the time.

Well, winter tires is a good start.

The rest I think is up to you. Don’t F*ck around really.

You know you have a 240 and its fun to take hard corners, but winter is just not the same. Dont push it and take it easy. Safer for you and the people around you.

yeah best thing to do is DRIVE SLOW !! its hard its frustraiting, and the people behind you will hate you but its something that has to be done.

think of it the way i do, in the winter sure I slow everyone down on a 1 lane road, but in the summer im the one passing them.

you will see in the snow even winter tires dont do mutch its very very easy to loose control… unless youre doing it for fun… which is a whole other winter game :slight_smile:

In before the lock!

But let me throw in my two cents anyway.

Some good winter tires and not just in the back in the front too, I find 240’s can lock the brakes up very easy on snow. And the most important thing is don’t drive aggresively, light on the throttle, light on the braking and easy on the turns.
I only drove my 240sx in the snow once for like 20 minutes 3 years ago because I wanted to have some fun in the fresh snow. But I have driven other 240’s in the snow so I know what they are like. They are only as good as the driver behind the wheel.

Why don’t you do some work and stop browsing the boards you traitor ! - From your friendly Torontomaxima.com member.

Hahahaha but seriously, don’t put sandbags in the back. It may initially give you more traction, but if/when you spin out, it will make it that much harder to recover.

practice in an empty lot covered in snow,

man honestly…driving my 240 in the winter was fine

it was my very first car, i got it in november of 04…drove it through that winter with no problems…i had an exellent pair of snows in the back and it helped…but seriously, its not that hard to drive it in the winter…i live in the country and i still found no problems

speaking of winter tires…i have a set of 4…2 of them brand new on tear drops…200 for the set…if ur interested pm me

one other curiosity…in a boosted car, is there a way to shut the turbo off without harming anything?

just shift early so it doesnt’ build boost. put it on low boost if you have a boost controller so when it does boost it’s not as much of a kick. I don’t think you can turn it off.

hahaha, yeah, there is no “turbo on/off” button.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, just don’t try to drive to aggresively in wet/snowy conditions.

thanks guys…cant wait to get my hands on a 240…parts will be off my maxima fully this weekend and shes up for sale…already have one guy interested.

Wish me luck boys

my car hardly has any traction in the rain forget the snow
plus my car is mint and i dont want any rust so the 240 is being stored this winter

I drive mine all year - if I can manage with 400rwhp and a 2-way diff - anyone should manage.

240’s are no different than any other car - just don’t drive like a tard and you should live to see spring.

you’re all wrong…

S13, full coilovers… drive balls to the wall 24/7

no sleep, just drift

dan is way more hardcore than anyone else though, i cannot imagine trying to resist the temptation to go 45 degrees sideways at 140kph on the 401 in the middle of a snow storm.

hint hint, snow acts as padding in a collision, its better than airbags.

really good tires and drive like a old lady and u will be fine.
thats how i manage :smiley:

yea its no problem if you drive good but you can also drive hard its all about knowing your car. but where i live they use way to much salt on the roads and i dont want my car to get any rust.

pffft ur all ghey for telling him to drive slow or like an old lady…i never drive slow its all about knowing ur car…

Famous last words!

Famous last words![/quote]

im still here arent I?

its just how me and my family drive…im not saying speed everywhere…but im definitly not a wuss and like to drive spirited even in winter