This is why cars hate ice

that vid is great:bigthumb:

Must’ve been where snow and ice are rare. I don’t think most of them are very experienced snow drivers. Haha

not as bad as valentines weekend in north east pa

Some body shop is loving that. Why the fuck are all those morons out driving anyways?

old vid but funny as hell.

Repost. Eurodad posted that for me awhile back.

what was up with everyone jumping out of their cars? That one lady almost got run down by an out of control mercedes suv!

i cant think of any situation where the car is still moving that id have the thoughts “i need out of this car now”. the last thing id want is to be half in half out of the car when it hits something.

maybe if the cars i was about to hit were under 20ft flames.

the comments on that video are funny. it turned into a big american/non-american bashing fest.

i like the ppl that jump out of the cars.

Western Michigan is notorious for that type of intersection.

Why would you jump out of your car? hahaha

if it’s that one with all the cars smacking eachother at like 15mph then it’s in colorado… if i remember… it was last winter that it happened…

My thoughts exactly. :bigok:

i woulda laughed if the ppl that were jumpin out of there cars got their leg run over or sumtin like that