liquidation sale fairgrounds

not worth the 6 bucks. sorry for anyone who didn’t see this soon enough.

car audio? they had 4 differnt flipouts… and a bunch of speakers thats it.
a bunch of knives/swords and nigga wear.

Go to the auction next to the agg center… tons of heavy equiptment (bobcats/old cop cars/snowplow trucks ect)

nigga wear? :tif:

did they have any cheap lappies w/ serial ports?

great description of wear

Have they every been worth it? They have been coming to town for years, and they have always had shit for sale. They used to be only $2 to get in too.

more info on the auction


nigga wear? :tif:

did they have any cheap lappies w/ serial ports?


Ya a bunch of cheap laps…didn’t check for ports but they start at 199…musta fell off the truck

sorry for the nigga wear if it offended you…don’t know how else to describe it


sorry for the nigga wear if it offended you…don’t know how else to describe it


no big deal, i know newman loves that word. you guys wear that shit too lmao.

Old news dude, they’re ALL the same shit every time; all full of crap that’s not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoes


Ya a bunch of cheap laps…didn’t check for ports but they start at 199…musta fell off the truck

sorry for the nigga wear if it offended you…don’t know how else to describe it


you did not offend him, but you offended me… are you still sorry.


no big deal, i know newman loves that word. you guys wear that shit too lmao.


perhaps, but i i feel like when i use it, it’s not derogatory… but that could just be my naivety. :gotme:

These sales are always crap, I begged my dad to take me to one at the convention center when I was like 15 and it was all crap then. Live and learn


These sales are always crap, I begged my dad to take me to one at the convention center when I was like 15 and it was all crap then. Live and learn


Ditto man…

I would beg my pops to take me there, and we would go there and it would be nothing but fubu sweatshirts, and used car audio.

There was even a dude there selling “as is” harddrives with no guarantee.

Me being the dumb 15 year old, spent 10 bucks on a huge hard drive, brought it home, it was dead.