List Reasons why Rubicant is: An a-hole/a Penis/Gay


Making out with me does not constitute hitting on me. He already had me. :headbang:


Yeah, I know that now after all his one in a million talk and promises of a ring on my finger :cry:


God, you really are a slut. I should have listened to my friends.

Did that text me nothing to you today!? All lies. No new Benassi set for you this week.



Look I told you I just needed some space, the text was important to me. But youre just too controlling. Every time we cuddle and i get a text from one of my guy friends you freak out because you think im automatically cheating on you. I just cant handle that right now. I NEED MY SPACE.

Please send Benny though, if you ever loved me then you will.


I cant believe the tangled web we weave here on the speed.

so many manwhores its almost disgusting and to think I have lip serviced almost everyone in this thread shames me to the core.

I thought each of you would love me for me and not because I was good with my mouth…little did I know you were all just passing me around like the manwhore I am.

I hope you all get Herpes!


Im not even talking to you after that rufie stunt you pulled at Marcellas that one night many moons ago. I havent forgotten. My butt hasnt forgotten. :frowning: I showered for hours but still felt dirty :frowning:

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:58,topic:30264"”]

After reading this thread, if I hear one more person tell me I bring out the gay in them, I’m totally going to suck their butt.


God youre such a freak, im glad we never got serious.
PM me for address for butt sucking