Little video of me on my motor bike!

WHeres ROCHETSER?  lmao  jk.

I never said i was better than you. I can be though.

jesus. just because i said stunting is lame (which it clearly is) you guys get all worked up… Also, please note that i would have been banned for bickering a while ago, if i were the one crying like you little babies, (i hope you drown in a bucket of your mothers vomit).



Read my previous post.
I was giving you the :tup: :tup: for what you do. I never said it was easy. Your NOOB friend there was the one that started this whole dramma shit…lol

But yeah… I see myself doing that next year. I just cant see myself doing it with a 929
From what i was told the 600cc’s are better for this sport. i dunno



sorry about the tire i didnt read your whole post in the lot that we ride in there are a lot of differentials in the pavement and with an inflated tire if you hit one of these grooves it will take you for a ride and things can get ugly, the lower pressure also helps stabalize the bike its kinda a crutch right now but I can ride with it inflated.

Newman if you dont like the shit dont respond to the thread simple as that.

I am no where near this level but its what im working for its not as “boring” as watching me ride.

and if you say this doesnt take skill u need to be shot

  • Hey arronwilliams if you don’t like my responses, don’t read them, simple as that.

  • Hey arronwilliams if you don’t like negative comments directly related to your posts, dont make the posts, simple as that.

  • Hey arronwilliams if you don’t like negative criticism, go fuck yourself, simple as that.

hi. plz sh0 m3 t3h p0st wear 1 sayd it waz EZ. THX. :cute:

Arron, serious question. Now i’m not a rider but I do enjoy watching stunters. I was watching Super Bikes on SPEED a few weeks ago and the black guy Jason Britton who I guess is a world class stunter was talking about the bikes he rides. Now he mentioned the bar on the back of the bike and how he preferred to have it rounded or to not have one at all instead of having it set up square like what you have. His reasoning was the bike could flip over and the bar could hit the back of your neck and do some damage with the sharp edges and even possibly cut off your head. What do you think about that? Is he just talking shit so he can seem cool or does he have a point?

combo button FTMFW.
I want one of those. Its basically like that TURBO BOOST button on knight Rider’s (KIT) car. lmao…
Nice vid. Too bad it didnt last longer. Saved it. lol

nah round bars have their place, I tool my bar off for now and will probly be going to a round bar. Anything on the back of your bike will hurt when you flip an endo but the flat bars do get sharp edges and can cut you I have cut my ankle and legs jumping back on the bike.

And newman you are a fag, people dont type like this anymore

hi. plz sh0 m3 t3h p0st wear 1 sayd it waz EZ. THX. :cute:

why dont you go look at twistedz dick again and go have another circle jerk.

I meant to say if you think its boring.

[QUOTE=newman]jesus. just because i said stunting is lame (which it clearly is) QUOTE]

just cuz ur some motherfucking bitch trashin on stunters…its not stunters fault u need to drive around with training wheels

aaron you goy yourself a straight internet gansta…right there

this was actually god damn hillarious

stfu dr. spot your a homo.

funny how walker come to rescue of newman…homo


just cuz ur some motherfucking bitch trashin on stunters…its not stunters fault u need to drive around with training wheels[/QUOTE]

you’re the worst, ever. good try.

no shit. DUDE. it was sarcastic.

I know it takes skill. It’s just a really lame skill to have. Like juggling… except at least jugglers pull mad broads…

nice broken english caveman

proof of your homo erotic sportbike nature

whats the deal with all these NOOB’s posting stupid shit.

edit: get em Newman. :rofl:

man, i hope this thread goes OT, so i can really have fun.

learn the facts youre the N00b here im an O.G.

i think he’s talking about dr spot and stuntbikes>cars and even arron…

On Topic. STUNTING = the suck.