Little video of me on my motor bike!

i was wondering the same thing

newman i read some of you last posts

hmm which steering wheel should I buy

hmm which roll cage is good

your worse than a woman buy all this shit that you will never need because you will never push your car to its potential!

here we go again…lmao

IM out i have work to do. BB in an hour. lol

no but i wont feel sorry for you when you flip your car over 11183237 times and break your neck and end up in a wheelchair because you were owning that WRX with your NOS…

do you track your bike?

just sayin’

you’re, by the way. we’re all old enough to drive on here, so we should all have some basic english skills down too.

  • When i post a video of me driving around a parking lot, then you can bitch.
  • Stuntin is the drifting of the motorcycle world… except drifting is cooler because there is tire smoke and loud noises. Stuntin is slow and uninteresting unless there is crashing involved.

sorry erin.

that’s why i got the roll cage, erin!

nope, i took it to the dragstrip bone stock.

yea but its a cheap one and its gonna fail!

i dont own a WRX nor does NOS do anything for diesel engines…

good post :hay:

cry me a river mr. stunter :cry:

what steering wheel…omg thats funny:biglaugh:

so then why hate on him for “NEVER PUSHING IT TO ITS POTENTIAL”

if you drive 100 percent on the streets, you’re an idiot as far as i’m concerned, that goes for everyone- car, bike, motorized wheelchair, etc.

ps: the kid got a free steering wheel. who cares.

does he take it to the track?

[QUOTE=stuntbikes>cars]what steering wheel…omg thats funny:biglaugh:[/QUOTE]

hysterical. because having good input/feedback from your vehicle is not important. Also, i never asked what wheel… i only asked if i should get the wheel or shoes… which is probably easier to make fun of, actually…

real men drive hard on the street to increase the danger factor. And because insurance still covers my car. :smiley:

no. that’s why I’m comparing him to you - you said he’ll never use that shit to it’s potential, and I’m saying you probably either

  1. either unsafely drive to the bikes limit on the street, most likely clearly demonstrated in this video

  2. don’t drive to it’s limits, which means you’re no better then him enjoying his car.

except for some rason im not on a street im in a parking lot which i have permission to be at?

i’m referring to the acceleration and handling of the bike, not the “STUNT FACTORRR”

so you opt with #2. cool.

i consider doing wheelies & endos limits?

and i never said i was better than him but hes saying what i do is lame and im saying what he does is lame.

how is he included in #2 he’s not taking his bike for a ride for chicks nor is he squiding it up on the streets

so in other words if i twist the throttle as far as it goes i get into #1 catagorie and if i scrape my knee on the ground i get into the #1 handling catagorie???

i’ll be the first to admit that i am lame. I think every guy who is into cars/bikes is lame. At least online car people…

Sigh, a mods reading the thread. something uninteresting is about to happen i’m sure…

please fucking stop talking… none of your arguements are good and eveytime i read one of your post i feel like i just got fucking dumber