Little video of me on my motor bike!


And when newman attempts either, a crash is involved.

right. i crashed my car one time drifting… after i got cut off… I’m willing to bet it was probably the first time i was ever doing it.

Liked the vid.It takes alot of skill.Can’t wait to see some more advanced shit.



guess what? another drama thread! what else is new

Modified the controls for stunting eh? Interesting… Are there two levers on the left now, or did the clutch go elsewhere?

So why the stripped sport bike instead of, say, a KTM Duke? Availability? Does the extra power help more than the lower weight? Is it just not cool to do it on something other than a sportbike? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It is a demonstration sport afterall.)

i own a suzuki motard too…

aside from all the b.s. in this thread, the video looks cool. No its not professional and isnt edited, but i doubt he was really going for that anyways.

I dont see what the big deal is at all. Its cool seeing something different on here once in a while. People need to calm down in general. I bet a majority of the haters in here wouldn’t be acting like this if they came up and saw someone doing it in a lot (aside from newman and walker <3)

And t-fuckin-up for only stunting for 4-5 months and able to pull that stuff off. I think its impressive to say the least…

One of these days ill learn how to actually hold a wheelie :doh:

well seeing the fact that you know…hmmmm well NOTHING ill just laugh at you some more. im sure there are bikes that are faster then my car, BUT yours isnt one of them. oh ya how did u know i have a 3ft wing fart can and neons…man u musta seen my car a million times oh maybe just checked it out in the rollll callll thread. if i were to picture what my car looks like id have to say u decribed it perfect…then again im sure u wouldnt see more then the back end of it but id slow down to let u snap a few pictures :wink:

layzie’s civic > any of these bikes


actually mr.jack i am serious, i dont own a WRX and furthermore Nitrous Oxide or “NOS” is not normally suitable for a diesel engine. Since diesel engines normally run lean (except when belching black smoke), adding more oxidizer isn’t going to accomplish anything. If the engine is over-fueled due to other modifications, then this might help power output … for a little while, until something breaks. being a diesel owner i would try looking for a propane injection setup, supposedly based on the chemical makeup of diesel fuel…Thus, propane is a better decision…

garsh you so smart!!!

there are alot of people that do stunt motards, mostly 4-stroke dirtbikes converted over to motards. there mostly for fun, motards really arn’t allowed to compete.

yes clutch and hand brake are both on the same side. lots of peolpe can actually work the clutch with the pointer finger and the brake with the middle finger at the same time, for real tech tricks.

couple of theories on “streetfightered bikes”(86 the plastic) it gets rid of the upper fairing to help with certain tricks, ie high chair combo’s, it makes it easier to get your feet in and out. plastics break so people just take them off to sell or keep minty when you might want to sell the bike. or people just like the look.

nice vid AW. everyone else STFU, you guys sound like a bunch of 13 year olds.

is that you too aaron? randomly found it on you tube…

Cool. Looks like fun and must take a ton of skill. :tup:

yea thats me
