Live Feed for Canada Vs USA Hockey?

Haha if Canada didn’t medal in curling or hockey I would personally go to Canada and laugh at all them.

Great game. The earlier Russia game was great too. What a hit by Ovechkin on Jagr was probably the best hit of the Olympics so far and they even scored off it.

Dear Canada:

Is there any where I can watch a highlight reel of this game without signing up for NBC’s bullshit.

You can watch it on NBC without signing up for anything.

I bet you wouldn’t.

I’m hoping for a Canada v. USA rematch in a medaling event. Sure, there is a strong chance of the canucks coming out on top, but I relish the opportunity to beat them again and really put the issue to rest. That would be the sweetest victory.

Another Canada vs US would be awesome.

On a sidenote, what’s with the Canada hate?

It’s Crosby hate, which is well deserved.

Canada is awesome, Crosby is not.

I’m not a Crosby fan either. It’s also conflicting for me to like a lot of the USA players lol.

CA-Naydia Vs. Russia…it’s will be interesting…to see how bad Russia beats them.

game was great…

to be honest, i’m kinda glad Canada lost… We (Canadians) are as arrogant about hockey as the US is about everything other than hockey… it’s nice to get a wake up call every once in a while.

these olympics just havent been very kind to us Canadians… deaths, wack ass ceremonies, under performance in the medals, warm weather… yikes…

i watched that 1500m mens speedskating final… 5 guys, 2 Canadians… and we still finished off the podium… come on now…

Canada got a wake up call against the Swiss.

Agreed, but it’s also a lot of neighborly-rivalry. It’s only natural for US hockey fans to want to beat up on Canada.

Who is watching this game? This is fucking intense. I’m so not happy with that last goal.




Miller is MVP at least :slight_smile: I want a team USA Miller jersey.

is he really?
what was the top 3?

Dunno, the announcer only said “Miller will be the MVP of this tournament” so they didn’t officially announce it yet.