hockey fans.....

we will have a season!!..yaaaay. i’m gettin a season package!!!

:bigok: bout time! i thought i was going to have to start watching basketball

bout time…

bout time eh


no care to watch a bunch on eastern europeans.

the game is twice as fast and way more scoring since they have moved in. i think its much more fun to watch. but college hockey > pros IMO

nhl is defunct

bout time, but believe it when we see it

most of the hockey i see if blue line to blue line, Boring!!! Besides, i would never pay more than $20 to watch a second tier pro sport.


hockey after the cap is put in place will be bigger than baseball. Baseball is seriously fucked up and will have no choice but to put a cap in place. It may even be watchable if they did that. small teams like Pittsburgh are farm teams for the big teams like the yankees, that makes for a shitty sport. You know your team is either going to not have a chance or will always be there because of money. that is why football is so good, just about every team has a shot every year, and now hockey will be the same. This strike was the best thing for hockey and when it happens to baseball, will be the best thing for it also.

I agree. The level of competitiveness is going to increase ten fold in the NHL and make it a much more exciting game to watch. Not only that, the Penguins are so far under the cap, that we are going to be able to sign some serious talent and be a competitive team once again. I’m excited to see how it all turns out.

i couldn’t disagree more that hockey will pass up baseball regardless of the financial situations in each league. Hockey isn’t even a top 5 sport anymore.

:steelers: = :greddy2:

but it will be once everything falls in place

i think it will be a long time until hockey can pass up baseball. the NHL has a lot of fans that they have to win back. i hope to see it happen, but it will be a while.

cant wait to watch hockey in HD

the only game with constant action

doubt it. i’m betting the NHL loses teams within 2 years. check back with me on this in two years incase i need :owned: The nhl obvioulsy didn’t gain any fans and the sure as hell turned a lot of people away and they’ll never get 100% to return. It took a homerun chase in 98 to get people back to baseball and thats baseball. people generally other than in NHL cities and not even so much there don’t give a rat ass about hockey. I like hockey myself but i’m not gonna sugar coat a turd.