Never thought i would say this..........

But…GO COLTS!!! We have a slight chance :smiley:


Dolphins are picked to win this year just as the steelers “won” last year. Dan Marino is flipping the coin also he and Don Shula will be honored at the superbowl.

U are a :tool: my friend


who cares steelers are crap this year, it’s all about hockey now.

YAY,Pens came around and they have agreat young team n record…but! still>hockey any day of the week and anytime whatsoeva!

pens future is in jeopardy…but yes, its hockey time now

you are entitled to a opinion. But fags dont count anyways and god hates fags… maybe you will be struck by lightning by the time Im done typing this.

lightning doesnt strike twice in the same place so ur fucked:finger2:

your still here :squint:

hockey is about as significant as pontiacs…

Pontiac & Pens > your life…well that doesn’t mean shit, so…Pontiac & Pens > *



hockey :kekegay:

remember when it didn’t exist as a sport because it was too pussy…

football players have it easy. 16 games a year, and 1 a week at that - talk about “pussy”. Hockey is more physically demanding, more mentally challenging, and they still play a lot more games. hockey>football>baseball

this is a very smart man…:truth:

Oh lets all give up on the steelers and watch hockey… bunch of bandwagon-ass fair weather Steeler fans.

Fucking cunt bags! Thata all they are is fucking fair weather fans! BITCHES!