Never thought i would say this..........

football > *

hockey is just basketball on skates, with the net lowered.

and basketball fucking sucks.

I admit I am a fairweather steeler fan.

but yea, hockey is much more exciting and a much faster game that football. The people that don’t like it are just a little too “slow” to keep up and follow it. :smiley:

Slow? Slow should be ur first,middle and last name man…

could you type that slower, I couldn’t keep up.

ive always been more of a hockey fan than football. oh well. you guys can take your sweaty manpile elsewhere

There are a ton of fairweather fans everywhere…but I have always been Pens first.

because ice has so much friction it’s nearly impossible to skate across it :hsugh:

more physically demanding…having sex in the locker rooms :canadians: … fucking hockey is beat… you can’t compare the two directly at all… but if you want to…

  1. football has much bigger fields
  2. football doesn’t suck as much as hockey
  3. the logistics of hockey are, get puck then pass or shoot…
  4. football has the most complicated rules and plays of most of all sports
  5. hockey didn’t exist in 2004
  6. 90% of the penguins aren’t from this country.
  7. go fuck yourself

cool attempt, horrible execution. .5/10 for funny and truth

  1. true
  2. opinion
  3. there are a lot of plays and you have to learn a skill(skating) other than walking, throwing, and catching - the same stuff that every kid in the world knows how to do.
  4. i will give you the rules, but the plays are just as complicated for hockey
  5. hockey took a year off to fix itself to be better for players and fans - nothing wrong with that.
  6. who cares
  7. opinion - but I am at work so maybe I will do that when I get home


your list is spot on…I can tell you are very athletic and educated sarcasm

hockey’s fucking gay.

i’d rather watch two teams of 11 retards play football in a WalMart parking lot than watch an NHL game.

what does being athletic or educated have to do with talking about hockey or football? just because your athletic doesn’t mean shit and just because your educated doesn’t mean you know more than someone else about something particular.

i can tell you’re probably already lost … so… stfu

:bigok: :cuddle:

chill out fucker…just messing with you…somebody has to be the last one picked

go me:blue:

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
Hockey is much more competetive and much more of fast pace game rather than football. Its different its more fun… alot more fun than football and theres alot more games than football will ever see,

how did the pens do last night?

Some guy play good …some guy dont play so good…ehh

Name the quote

i’m not crying about shit!!! it’s well known that football > hockey… that’s why football was never voted out of american sports for a year. :blue:

there are tons more baseball games than both… does that make it ‘better’???


to anyone who thinks hockey is better than football:

*season ticket sales.
*merch sales.
*television deals.
*licensing fees.


Roger that. The super bowl nets more viewers than the stanley cup.