NHL vs NFL..

was just watching espn, they where showing NFL highlights , one of the highlights was Plaxico Burress taking a dive when he should have made a block for a runner… guess he is to good to block …

so I had to ask NHL or NFL…

as for me I hate football…



NFL>nhl nhl season is too long, and too many games to watch


i love both NHL and NFL



football is lame and over hyped

true on season length but i think the nfl gets a little boring when theres only games on sundays and a game on monday.

Football is a joke, and full of egotistic, overpaid joke of athletes.

All about getting paid.

the best

nfl players jam there big toe and there out for weeks…

NHL. The players have much more class. Most of them actually had to work to get a college degree instead of getting a free ride and free passing grades.

I is in da nfl.

wow could this forum be any gayer?

obviously a ny forum when people say NHL>NFL

what a joke lol


I like the concept and integrity of the NHL much more than that of the NFL, But when the Bills are winning, the NFL becomes REALLY interesting to me.

I voted NFL but they are by far the two best sports.

Well you gotta figure the rest of America feels this way seeing that the NHL has come pretty close to folding a few times and the NFL’s ratings have been increasing for years.

yea i just feel that the nhl takes a lot more creativity and discipline than the nfl but thats my own opinion.

College football is not that bad, its 10x better then the NFL… but I still do not like football as a hole

is NHL even a tab on most sports sites anymore? lol

don’t get me wrong I do like the NHL go sabres, but ser. over football?


NFL & NHL > any other sport. leave it at that.