NHL vs NFL..

yeaaa it is

NFL > NHL > MLB > volleyball > discus > cricket > curling > poker > darts > rock paper scissors > NBA

NHL has a great product if they weren’t managed so poorly. Gary Bettman was sent over from the NBA to bring the suck to the league.

god NBA sucks. basketball minus march madness sucks.

Why don’t you go lurk on some other board then? :roflpicard: fggt


but are you a HOCKEY fan or a sabres fan? judging from your responses i’d have a hard time believing your a true hockey fan

NHL it comes down to the game. Football is boring as hellllllll too much stopping, it takes 4 hours to play 80 minutes of football. The entire game is slow paced. Hockey is fast paced, loaded with hits and action, plus it takes 10x the ability.

NHL ftw.

Edit: not to mention team structure. In the NHL when your start player is out the team can still win without a problem. In football if your qb is hurt your team loses the rest of the season.

So you prefer Syrup when your boyfriend is tossing your salad?

For the first time in my life I agree with your statement :tup:

lol, lotsa classy toothless wonders in the nhl skating around. They had to make a diving penalty because of all the classy nhl players faking penalties. The fighting is also realy classy. dont get me wrong its fun to watch but your kidding yourself if you think its classy.:lol:

smarter to play hockey??? seriously?? obviously never played football or had to remember a playbook.

thats realy dumb. I can tell your not in anykinda of physical shape. Any monkey can push off 2 times and glide another 30ft. In football your garunteed a hit every single down. In hockey you can only hit the guy with the puck.

Yep, new england is realy hurting with there backup qb in there. Oh wait ther in 1rst place in the afc east.

If hockey isn’t classy, then football is far far from. When do you hear about dog fighting, deaths, arrests, drugs in hockey?

Hockey > Football



NHL season is way to fucking long. I get way more excited to watch football rather than hockey.

lol you think that stuff doesnt happen? You just dont hear about it because nhl isnt under the spotlight 24/7. wasnt wayne gretzky under fire at one point for his business practices?

push off and glide? its not figure skating you tard. The ability of just skating with the puck up the ice at 20mph is so far greater than the entire offense and defense lines in football its sickning. Not only that but the ability to do that while skating around people and then beating a goalie with a shot so far superceeds throwing a ball or catching it.
The 2 sports cannot even be compared because football is too basic.
Any group of kids can gather in a field and play football, but not anyone can go get on the ice and play hockey.

you realy are an idiot. please stop posting. If you even had any idea about the offensive/defensive schemes you would think that they were genius. football is like a game of chess always trying to outsmart the other apponent.

In hockey you dump the puck into a zone and then glide on in and try to get it first. then you pass it to the points and try to find a open man in front of the net. THAT IS BASIC.

this realy is a dumb argument. apples and oranges here.

That was like 3-4 years ago and I believe it was for his wife gambling on the games. Which is a far minor offense compared to DOG FIGHTING, or hmm I recall some Buffalo Bills player going to trial for two murders. And let’s not forget the White to black ratio is faaarrrrrr greater in hockey then football.

As stated before NFL games drag on forever. They run a play then stand around around for 3 minutes, do another play, stand around. God forbid anybody gets hurt, you go through 3 commercial breaks because some overweight son of a bitch sprained his ankle. In hockey they stop the play clean the blood off the ice where the guy got hit in the face with a slapshot, he goes to then bench and gets stitched up and by the next shift he’s back out.

Wow, very well said :clap:

NHL > everything else

you are really lame lol

You gotta be kidding me, dump the puck in and GLIDE to get it?? It’s not worth my time trying to explain this to you. I’ll agree with the apples and oranges here, but you can very well argue hockey is a game of chess as well.